HomeStayHoliday FAQ


The HomeStayHoliday.COM website is in launch phase. Therefore, we would like to apologize for any mistakes that you may be able to see and we would be grateful to you to allow us to inform you better by asking us your questions or sending us your remarks, opinions or your comments by email at the following address which will all be welcomed whether they are good or bad. This will enable us to provide you the answers you have the right to expect from us. The HomeStayHoliday team is at your entire disposal and wish to provide you with a professional service. This is why we kindly ask you to take part in this FAQ chapter. Thank you so much and good HomeStayHoliday worldwide.

Accommodation ad step by step - How do I proceed to advertise my Accommodation?

HomeStayHoliday knows very well that users of a site more or less identical to ours know how to use the different processing options and we are sure that you will know how to get away with browsing our site. However, here we wish to help and facilitate access to our site for those who are not familiar. You may use our PRINT THIS PAGE button for this FAQ page and for the procedural points in order to help you throughout your registration and the posting of your advertisement.
1. After creating your Accommodation Account by filling in the necessary information, please Log In TO YOUR NEW ACCOUNT

2. In your Dashboard, click on the ADD ACCOMMODATION sign +

3. On the BASIC INFO TAB, please fill in properly and with the maximum precise and reliable information the fix boxes and choose the appropriate information in the pull-down of the information's boxes meant for that purpose. You can also just COPY-PAST information that you put on other sites. Do not hesitate to use the help marks. If for any reason your address does not appear precisely on the map after entering it, you may get Latitude and Longitude of your accommodation with the help marks. Please click on one of the help marks (Latitude or Longitude). On the Pop Up window please click on On the Google Map page that appears, please enter your accommodation's full address in the search box. Your localisation appears with a localisation red mark. Click right on your localisation red mark. The numbers of your Latitude and Longitude will appear. Report the numbers on the Latitude and Longitude boxes of your dashboard, close the help mark and your address will appear on the map. Click on SAVE & NEXT.


4. Under the FACILITIES tab, please check the necessary boxes and add in the box provided for this purpose, if necessary, any facilities that you would not find displayed. We will receive these and add them for you. Click on SAVE & NEXT.

5. Under the ROOMS tab, fill in the provided fix boxes and tick the boxes of the proposed amenities. If necessary, add in the box provided for this purpose any amenities that you do not find displayed. We will receive these and add them for you. Add your photos as indicated and, do not forget to choose one of them by ticking the one you wish to be the Cover photo. Click on ADD ROOM. Click on SAVE & NEXT. IF YOU WISH TO ADD MORE THEN 20 PHOTOS, GO BACK TO > ROOMS > EDIT and add more photos (AGAIN UP TO 20), click on SAVE. If you wish to delete some photos just click on the MINUS - sign of the photos to be deleted.

6. Click on ADD ROOM to add as many rooms as you wish and follow the same procedure as point No 5 for each added room.

7. Click on PROMOTION and add any PROMOTION you may propose to your customers, any time you wish for the time you wish. Do not forget to delete the PROMOTION when you wish to cancel it, as you will be fully responsible for your writings according our TERM OF USE. Click on SAVE & NEXT.

8. Under the SOCIAL MEDIA tab, add the Url link of the indicated SOCIAL MEDIA which redirects to your AD on the said social media. If you do not have any SOCIAL MEDIA Url, LEAVE IT BLANK. Click on SAVE & NEXT.

9. Under the VIDEO & REVIEWS tab, add the EMBED CODES related to your add. If you do not have any EMBED CODES, LEAVE IT BLANK. Click on SAVE & NEXT.

10. Under the GALLERY tab, add your photos as indicated and, do not forget tick the one you wish to be the Cover photo. Click on SUBMIT. REMEMBER, IF YOU WISH TO ADD MORE THEN 20 PHOTOS, GO BACK TO GALLERY, add more photos (AGAIN UP TO 20). Click on SUBMIT. If you wish to delete some photos just click on the MINUS - sign of the photos to be deleted.

If you wish to delete or correct any information in your ad, click on EDIT on the ACCOMMODATION PAGE of your Dashboard and then on any tabs or ROOMS > EDIT you wish to delete or correct. Do not forget to click on SAVE & NEXT or SUBMIT or SAVE every time you delete or correct. You may also have a look at your ad by clicking on the PREVIEW (Eye) before publishing by paying.

11. In order to put your ad online, in your Dashboard, click either on ACCOMMODATIONS> GO TO SUBSCRIBE> SUBSCRIBE or SUBCRIPTIONS> SUBSCRIBE and choose the wished appropriate subscription plan (Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly) and click on SUBSCRIBE NOW.

12. Choose the payment method by ticking the wished appropriate method and then click on PROCEED. Follow the procedure of the payment method you have chosen. The status of your payment will appear (click on OK) and you will receive an email confirming your subscription.

13. Your subscription page will appear with the status and all the details of your advert. YOUR AD IS NOW ONLINE, unless you chose the Bank account transfer as a payment method. In that case HomeStayHoliday will place your ad online after receiving and verifying the payment on their account. The date of verification of your bank payment will then be the start date of publication of your ad.

Why doesn’t HomeStayHoliday take a commission on reservations?

HomeStayHoliday is compensated by hosts who pay to advertise their accommodation on our site. When a user finds an accommodation they like, they are redirected directly to the advertiser’s website to make their reservation and payment. That’s why we don’t take a commission on reservations.

How can HomeStayHoliday afford not to take a commission?

Our business model relies on the fees paid by hosts to advertise their accommodation on our site, not on commissions on reservations. This allows us to offer a more affordable booking experience for users and a more profitable one for advertisers.

What are the benefits for advertisers of using HomeStayHoliday?

By listing your accommodation on HomeStayHoliday, you benefit from global visibility for your accommodation and contribute to creating a more transparent and affordable booking experience for travelers worldwide. Plus, since we don’t take a commission on reservations, you keep the full amount of each reservation.

What is a HomeStayHolidayIN?

The HomeStayHoliday - IN or HOME HOLIDAYIN is the name with which we will denominate on our website, an HOST proposing a Home Stay whatever it is and anywhere around the world ready to be get IN.

What is a HomeStayHolidayER?

The HomeStayHoliday - ER or HOME HOLIDAYER is the name with which we will denominate on our website, a TRAVELER looking for a Home Stay and ready to get IN. In few words it can be you or anybody wishing to find an accommodation around the world anytime of the year round.

What is a Sponsor?

A Sponsor is a professional or a company who may apply by auction for the ad of a banner representing his business (except some - see our TERMS of USE) which will appear on the COUNTRY PAGE of such or such country where the sponsor will have won the auction.

What is an Advertisement?

The advertisements come in two models of sizes and locations and are reserved for all professionals or companies (except some - see our TERMS of USE) who would like to advertise in a given CITY PAGE where accommodations have been placed online.

What is a Good Address?

A Good Address is a professional or a company whatever it is (except some - see our TERMS of USE) who wish to make known their activity and the interest to users of accommodation in a radius close to them for their well-being by indicating a link allowing the location and the redirection to their presentation site.

Why our website is only in English?

HomeStayHoliday is in launch phase. It is currently only available in English, the most used language in the business world as well as in the tourism. However the French and Spanish versions are scheduled to come in the near future. Of course and be certain that other languages will follow so that all users of our site can express themselves in a language they may understand. This is why you will see in your ACCOMMODATION section of your dashboard, small flags indicating that the preparation and predisposition are planned.

But while waiting for the implementation of other languages by our services, you still have the possibility to translate each page of our site through your browser, which will allow you to better understand in your own language, our texts and explanations without however reaching the precision of the language in which our site is currently written, English.

I am a private or a professional; do I need to have a contract with your website?

Whether you are a private person or a professional, no contract binds you to HomeStayHoliday with the exception of your satisfaction to be with us or not. The only moral contract that you have with us is to respect our Terms of Use.

How and why can I use the PROMOTION tab?

The PROMOTION tab is an important tool for HomeStayHoliday hosts who want to attract more customers and stand out in a crowded marketplace. By creating unique offers and promotions that are exclusive to HomeStayHoliday users, you can target the right audience and increase your chances of bookings. With so many competitors in the online accommodation marketplace, it's crucial to make your property stand out, and the PROMOTION tab can help you achieve that. Make sure to fill out the tab when creating your ads and showcase your unique offerings to our platform's audience!